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Kids Art Classes Austinmer

Want help planning? Curate For Me


Hey creative kiddos! Im holding another Kids Art wokshop at Austinmer Scout Hall these school holidays! 9am 5 - 6 years 12pm 7 - 9 years 3pm 10 - 15 years To book please email me and I hope to see you there!

Event Dates
  • Wednesday 14th April 2021 - 9:00AM to 11:00AM 14/04/2021 3:00 pm Past Event
  • Wednesday 14th April 2021 - 12:00PM to 2:00PM 14/04/2021 3:00 pm Past Event
  • Wednesday 14th April 2021 - 3:00PM to 5:00PM 14/04/2021 3:00 pm Past Event
1st Austinmer Scout Hall, Moore Street, Austinmer NSW, Australia
>1st Austinmer Scout Hall, Moore Street, Austinmer NSW, Australia